It's that time of year again! The time of year where you can hear the sound of sneakers squeaking across gym floors, seeing and hearing whistles and hand gestures we may or may not agree with, and the witnessing the beautiful sound of 3-point shots running through the next.
It's March Madness!
Current bracket positions for Kansas teams are below:
All teams are scheduled to play on Friday, March 17
Kansas Plays UC Davis - 5:50 Friday on TNT.
Kansas State Plays Cincinnati - 6:27 Friday on truTV.
Wichita State Plays Dayton - 6:10 Friday on CBS.
Now I know what you're all thinking, "How am I going to watch multiple Kansas teams within minutes of each other!"
Bars are best. Many local bars around this time will be sure to air most/if not all NCAA Tournament games, especially any Kansas team currently playing.
Or if the game is on during work hours, discreetly stream when no one's watching, but more than likely the whole office already is.
NCAA Tournament games with air on the following stations:
To stream go to or use the NCAA March Madness Live app.
For any other March Madness info be sure to go to
May your brackets never be busted and your teams all advance.
Rock Chalk, Jayhawk, go KU!
Eat 'em up, eat 'em up K-S-U!
Rip 'em up, tear 'em up, let's go Shocks!