Doo-Dah Discovery: Week of 9/3

Monday (9/3/18): Maggie Rogers - Alaska

-This isn't a new's been out almost 2 years, but I wanted to do something special for Labor Day! If you're not familiar with Maggie she is, get familiar! She does have a brand new song called Give A Little which you can check out here

Tuesday (9/4/18): Jenny Wood - I Can Relate

Jenny's EP Release show is tonight (Friday) at The Crown Uptown

Wednesday (9/5/18): Barns Courtney - 99

Thursday (9/6/18): PHANGS - No1 Loves You (Official release on Friday)

- PHANGS will be in KC on Halloween!

Friday (9/7/18): Robert DeLong - Revolutionary 

Send me your feedback and your favorites!!

Twitter/Instagram: @ALT1073Wichita

Need more?! Check out last weeks featured songs: Doo-Dah Discovery: Week of 8/27

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